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Setting Up a Managed S3 Bucket in Narrative


After creating your dataset in Narrative, you might want to upload data directly or automate dataset deliveries for larger datasets or regular updates. This guide explains how to create a managed AWS S3 bucket within Narrative’s account for seamless data ingestion.

Creating Your Managed S3 Bucket

Step 1: AWS Account Setup

Ensure you have an AWS account. If not, create one following AWS’s account creation guide.

Step 2: Generate a Bucket in Narrative

  1. Source Type: Select "Managed AWS S3 Bucket."
  2. Configuration: Provide your 12-digit AWS Account ID, a Resource ID (e.g., your company name in lowercase), and choose your Access Type: Bucket Policy (default) or Narrative-generated IAM role. Optionally, for IAM role access, add an External ID for enhanced security. Review and click "Create."

Step 3: Configure Bucket Access

Configure access in your AWS console based on the selected Access Type:

  • Bucket Policy Access: Directly grant access to specific AWS principals. Preferred for easier setup and granular access control.
  • Narrative-Generated IAM Role: Narrative defines an IAM role for bucket access, which you then assign to a principal in your account.

Access Types Explained

  • Bucket Policy: Offers flexibility in defining access permissions. Ideal for direct object copying between buckets.
  • IAM Role: Controlled by Narrative, requiring you to assign the role to your account’s principals. Does not allow direct aws s3 cp commands without additional setup.

Setting Up Bucket Policy Access

  1. Grant Access: Follow AWS’s guide to grant access to an Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Writing Data: Ensure all uploads include the --acl bucket-owner-full-control flag to grant Narrative access.

Example AWS CLI command:

aws s3 cp file.csv s3://your-managed-bucket-name/your_directory/ --acl bucket-owner-full-control

Setting Up IAM Role Access

Grant User Access Assign the Narrative-provided IAM role to your AWS user or principal to enable access to the managed bucket.

Configure Tools Update your AWS CLI configuration or AWS Console to utilize the assigned IAM role. For the AWS CLI, this involves adding a profile for the role in ~/.aws/config.

Example AWS CLI Configuration:

[profile your-source-profile]
aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY

[profile your-bucket-profile-name]
role_arn = your-bucket-role-arn
source_profile = your-source-profile

To list the contents of your bucket using the configured profile, execute the following command:

aws s3 ls --profile your-bucket-profile-name s3://your-bucket-name/

Next Steps

With your managed bucket successfully set up and accessible, you're poised to start the data ingestion process into Narrative.

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