Narrative’s ecosystem has a few key objects and collaborators that allows it to normalize, validate, filter, and aggregate data before pushing to the desired endpoint.
Data Collaboration Platforms represent a new product category. Membership to that category requires that the product follow certain essential tenants.
It is important to note that Data Collaboration Platforms operate differently than a data broker.
A look back at the inception of Narrative and the evolution of data collaboration platforms.
Access Rules are the backbone of data access control in Narrative's Data Collaboration Platform.
Narrative interfaces are key components that enable efficient interaction and data collaboration within the Narrative ecosystem.
Queries in the Narrative platform identify specific rows of data across one or more datasets, helping you extract the most relevant data for your purposes.
Our aim is to safeguard your personal information and secure data transactions, providing a robust data ecosystem you can trust.
Becoming a first time data seller can be a daunting endeavor. Narrative make's it easier than ever. Here are a few steps to getting started.