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Digital Consumption


The more you know about your users or customer base, the more valuable your first-party becomes. Data enrichment of a seed user list is an effective way to gain a better understanding of core customers. A common data point for enrichment is digital consumption data, or online behavioral data.

Narrative provides a wide range of consumption data which includes app activities like install, uninstall, _app__open, in-app purchase, and specific app actions. Combining app consumption data with an existing customer list can provide in-depth analysis of user behavior, like which apps they spend the most time on or even patterns of behavior through app clusters (Netflix, HBO, Hulu) or even time-of-day usage.

Client Challenges

Online behavior of users is spread across hundreds, if not thousands, of online properties. This can make it difficult for brands to have a wide understanding of their customers online actions. As brands migrate away from traditional DMP's, they want to have a richer view of their 1st party customer profiles.

Using a DMP to understand online behavior will require trust in the methodology of how segments & audiences are sourced. An "in-market for a car" audience may be what a brand needs, but a lack of transparency of the data points that went in to create this audience is becoming a more widespread concern for brands.

Was this audience created using online behavior? If so, what are the sources? Is it based on app usage such as CarMax or AutoTrader?

Clients want control of these questions. Narrative gives that control.

The Narrative Advantage

Narrative has over 12 billion digital consumption observations across 18 data providers, all available in the open marketplace. Brands not only control which providers they buy from, but can also bring their own app lists, choose specific digital consumption types, and leverage more high level app categories.

All mobile app data is collected via SDK or at the OS level and web based data collection is done via a Javascript SDK on publisher web sites. All supplier's data in the Narrative marketplace is at an individual record and source level, which means brands will always know the direct source of the data they are acquiring.

Narrative’s tools and workflows automate the time-and labor-intensive processes for finding, purchasing, and activating this data, all in one platform.

Use Case

Finance Brand A is working with Narrative to enhance a list of 1 million hashed emails they collected from online registrations. They have a rudimentary understanding of who their online customers are and have turned to Narrative as their Data Collaboration Platform to purchase data to enhance the current list of emails.

Specifically, they want to know which customers of theirs have installed and are using competitor Financial Services Apps.

  1. Narrative turns the list of hashed emails into Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs) using ID Mapping suppliers. Since they are interested in digital consumption data, it is more effective to buy this data tied to MAIDs as this is where app behavior occurs.
  2. Narrative enhances the new list of MAIDs with app usage data based on a list of the brands competitors and consumption types like app_installed and app_opened.

Finance Brand A now has a complete list of their hashed emails tied to a MAID and enhanced with competitor app usage data.

Want to learn more?

Contact your Partner Success Manager today or reach us at to learn more about how the Narrative platform can power your data strategy.

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